Yes. The US post office no longer guarantees a postmark on all mail. If you are relying on a postmark as your paid date, remember the postmark is your responsibility. We recommend you take your tax bill inside the post office and request a hand cancellation. Never rely on a rural mail box for a postmark.
Property tax bills are sent to the owner on record.
Please reference your closing documents to determine what was agreed to in regards to property taxes. Oftentimes, the seller will allow a credit at closing for the anticipated tax amount. If you cannot find this information in your closing documents or have further questions, please contact your title company as they may be able to assist you.
Each November a bill is sent to the owner of every parcel. If your taxes are scheduled to be paid by a mortgage company . It will be noted on your bill. If this notification is missing, please contact your mortgage company to verify who will be paying your taxes. These bills are sent for the verification of annual taxes.
Multiple accounts may be paid with one check. Also, multiple checks may be used to pay for one account, but the check amount( s) must equal the amount due and be sent together in one envelope. You may also send partial payments from multiple payees. Please include your payment stubs when submitting your payment.
There are a few reasons you may receive a second bill for your parcel.
- If you built or bought a newly constructed home that was completed midyear, you may receive a subsequent occupancy bill. This bill will be in addition to the real property (land) bill already sent in November. This occupancy bill will be for the improvements made to the real property, (i.e. the home). These subsequent bills are late additions to the tax roll. If you have a lender you will need to verify with them who is going to pay this bill.
- If you own a business and own personal property with a value over $100,000, you will receive a bill for Personal Property or Transient Property Tax. These bills will notify you of their due dates.
- If you own a Mobile Home that has not been converted to Real Property then you will receive a bill for the Mobile Home and one for the Real Property (land)
You may challenge the taxable value of your property only during the month you receive your assessment notice. Assessment notices are mailed on or before the 1st Monday in June of each year and the appeal must be received by the Commissioner’s Office by the 4th Monday of June, you must wait until the next year to appeal the assessed value.
If you feel that the levy of a taxing district is to high or you wonder what the levy pays for, call the district directly. The phone number of all of the taxing districts with in Twin Falls county can be found HERE. You can have input regarding the annual levy rate of a taxing district by participation in the annual budget hearing of the districts.