Manufactured Home - Title Work
Purchased New from a Dealer
Previously Owned
Purchased Out of State
Purchased New from a Dealer
Take your purchase agreement and MSO (manufacturers statement of origin) to one of the County DMV locations to originate your title of ownership.
The state of Idaho requires a completed VIN inspection for all new manufactured homes. If the dealer did not provide this service you will need to call the County Sheriff’s office to schedule.
The state of Idaho requires verification of sales tax being paid and collected.
Ownership must be transferred through title with the Department of Motor Vehicles. If the seller cannot find the MSO, contact the County DMV or Idaho Transportation Dept for instructions on how to obtain a title.
**If the manufactured home will be the primary dwelling of the buyer(s), take the title transfer receipt to the County Assessor’s Office (in which the home is located) to apply for the Homeowner’s Exemption.
Previously Owned
Seller must sign the title and present it to the buyer.
Ownership must be transferred through title with the Department of Motor Vehicles. If the seller cannot find the title, contact the County DMV or Idaho Transportation Dept for instructions on how to obtain a title.
(The property taxes must be current and/or prepaid before a title can be processed and transferred by the DMV.)
Prepayment of property taxes should be negotiated between the buyer and seller or calculated in closing with your title company. Contact the County Treasurer’s Office to make a payment. Be sure to obtain a receipt.
The property tax prepayment may be an estimate. If there is an overage of payment, a credit will be added to the property’s account by the County Treasurer. Any underpayment of property taxes will be billed to the owner of title in November.
Take your tax payment receipt and manufactured home title to one of the State of Idaho County DMV locations to transfer ownership.
**If the manufactured home will be the primary dwelling of the buyer(s), take the title transfer receipt to the County Assessor’s Office (in which the home is located) to apply for the Homeowner’s Exemption.
Purchased Out of State
Buyers who purchase out-of-state, without paying sales tax, will be required to pay Idaho’s rate of sales tax to the Idaho State Tax Commission in order to process a title of ownership.
The state of Idaho requires a completed VIN inspection for all manufactured homes purchased out of state. If a dealer did not provide this service you will need to call the County Sheriff’s office to schedule.